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Top 3 sexual issues seen in sex therapy

As sex therapists we often see really common issues showing up in sex therapy. Globally, around 42% of female identifying people and 31% of male identifying people experienced sexual dysfunction. That means that most people have experienced a sexual difficulty in their life time. People rarely share their sexual difficulties with others, so it’s common for clients to feel very alone with their issues. Our sex therapists share some of the common sexual issues that people experience and seek sex therapy to treat.

I don’t feel like having sex

This is one of the most common presentations that we see in sex therapy - A person who has experienced a change in their desire for sex. Commonly they think that it’s their fault or that there’s something wrong with them. We know that sexual desire can change across a lifetime, and we can reconnect to what makes us feel sexual, through sex therapy support.

I don’t experience pleasure during sex

70% of female identifying people don’t orgasm through penetration alone. Not experiencing pleasure in sex is really common. It’s also really common to experience pain during sex. Though these two challenges are common, you don’t have to resign yourself to this for the rest of your life. Sex therapy can support you to explore your orgasm and pleasure potential, and to overcome sexual pain.

I can’t maintain my erection

About 40% of people before age 40 with a penis, and 70% before age 70 will experience some kind of erectile dysfunction. It’s incredibly common for a penis to not operate 100% all the time – you are human, not a robot! People often experience a lot of pressure and expectation around maintaining erections, which ironically can reduce erectile capacity. Sex therapy can support you to overcome erectile dysfunction, performance anxiety and any other challenges you’re experiencing sexually.

If you’re experiencing one of these common sexual challenges – reach out to us for sex therapy. A trained sex therapist can support you to achieve your goals and overcome these challenges.

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